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Introduction to the Story Slots held by the characters in Chapter 1

Name Category Race Affiliation Occupation Story Slot Title
Newt Point Normies The Salvation Corps New Conservator The Misfortunes of New Conservator Newt
Calyx Point Normies The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight Commander Border Village Conflict
Lumber Line Normies The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight The Conservator’s Guard, Chroma
Acorn Line Normies The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight Knight Commander Calyx
Rifle Line Guards The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Timber Line Normies The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight New Conservator Newt
Colza Line Normies The Salvation Corps・The Order of Salvation Knight Fight with the Dragon
Opinion Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Knight Commander Calyx
Greeting Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Hard Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Caper Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Handshake Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Abscondence Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Knight Commander Calyx
Footstep Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Glabella Mesh Guards The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Yawn Mesh Guards The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Mischief Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Excuse Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Date Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Swordsman Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Trick Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Together Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Spoof Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Accordance Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Capybara Mesh Spikes The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Land of Salvation Spikes
Doze Mesh Normies The Salvation Corps First Class Musketeer Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Adonis Point Normies Researcher Head of The Laboratory Misgivings of Lab Head Adonis
Yew Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Lambda and the Lab
Acacia Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher The Weakened World Tree
Thistle Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher The Weakened World Tree
Hydrangea Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Land of Salvation Energy Crisis
Iris Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Land of Salvation Energy Crisis
Fig Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Former Conservator Lambda
Cypress Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Former Conservator Lambda
Strawberry Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Lambda and the Lab
Apricot Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher Lambda and the Lab
Reed Mesh Normies Researcher Elite Researcher The Weakened World Tree
Chamomile Line Normies Public Servant Medical Director Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Betrothal Mesh Normies Public Servant Doctor Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Trial Mesh Normies Public Servant Doctor Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Seal Mesh Spikes Public Servant Doctor Researcher Tribe
Stem Line Normies Public Servant Watch Commander Checkpoint Guard Work
Conclusion Mesh Normies Public Servant Senior Patrol Member Teleporter: Portal
Decision Mesh Normies Public Servant Senior Patrol Member Teleporter: Portal
Navigation Mesh Normies Public Servant Senior Disaster Response Unit Member Disaster Relief Work
Examination Mesh Normies Public Servant Senior Disaster Response Unit Member Dragon, the Unknown Threat
Lovesickness Mesh Normies Public Servant Senior Disaster Response Unit Member Spike Rumors
Warehouse Line Merchants Peddler Wealthy Peddler Premonition of War
Positive Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Livelihood of the Cliff Potato Picker
Aptitude Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Livelihood of the Cliff Potato Picker
Honest Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Spike Rumors
Kind Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Spike Rumors
Kindness Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Premonition of War
Obedient Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Premonition of War
Pure Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Premonition of War
Sincere Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Premonition of War
Refined Mesh Merchants Peddler Affluent Peddler Premonition of War
Procyon Mesh Spikes Hunter Skilled Hunter Land of Salvation Spikes
Mistletoe Point Normies Hunter Master Hunter The Role of Mistletoe, the Master Hunter
Sport Mesh Normies Hunter Skilled Hunter Hunting Work
Archery Mesh Normies Hunter Skilled Hunter Hunting Work
Coffee Mesh Normies Tavern Band Former Conservator Lambda
Tea Mesh Normies Tavern Band Former Conservator Lambda
Milk Mesh Normies Tavern Band Former Conservator Lambda
Aspen Line Normies Tavern Tavern Keeper Researcher Tribe
Autobiography Mesh Normies News Agency Foreign Correspondent Dragon Damage
Lesson Mesh Normies News Agency Foreign Correspondent Dragon Damage
Pinecone Line Normies News Agency Land of Salvation Editor in Chief Newspaper Company Work
Ringtail Mesh Spikes Carpenter Journeyman Carpenter Land of Salvation Spikes
Cactus Line Normies Carpenter Master Carpenter Former Conservator Lambda
Shutter Mesh Normies Carpenter Journeyman Carpenter Lambda and the Lab
Hedge Mesh Normies Carpenter Journeyman Carpenter Lambda and the Lab
Chair Mesh Normies Carpenter Journeyman Carpenter Researcher Tribe
Lark Line Spikes The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Captain Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Canna Mesh Normies The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Carnation Mesh Normies The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Beard Mesh Guards The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Giant Fish Stories
Head Mesh Guards The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Turnip Mesh Normies The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Larch Mesh Normies The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Tamarack Mesh Normies The Continental Survey Force Continental Survey Force Senior Surveyor Ruins Shrouded in Mystery
Fungus Line Normies Adventurer Treasure Collector Peddler Tribe: Merchants
Gymnasium Mesh Normies Adventurer Treasure Hunter Unknown Dangers of Terrestria
Spade Mesh Normies Adventurer Treasure Hunter Unknown Dangers of Terrestria
Lottery Mesh Normies Adventurer Treasure Hunter Exploration Work
Gymnastics Mesh Normies Adventurer Treasure Hunter Unknown Dangers of Terrestria
Tango Mesh Normies Adventurer Treasure Hunter Exploration Work
Wart Point Normies The Smithy Master Blacksmith The Smithy’s Invention of Wart
Vese Mesh Normies The Smithy Journeyman Blacksmith Researcher Tribe
Paper Mesh Normies The Smithy Journeyman Blacksmith The Smithy’s Work
Bell Mesh Normies The Smithy Journeyman Blacksmith Researcher Tribe
Sausage Mesh Normies Livestock Farmer Wealthy Livestock Farmer New Conservator Newt
Appetizer Mesh Normies Livestock Farmer Wealthy Livestock Farmer Dragon Damage
Egg Mesh Normies Livestock Farmer Wealthy Livestock Farmer Peddler Tribe: Merchants
Protein Mesh Normies Livestock Farmer Wealthy Livestock Farmer Peddler Tribe: Merchants
Gourmand Mesh Normies Livestock Farmer Wealthy Livestock Farmer Peddler Tribe: Merchants
Chess Mesh Normies Dojo Assistant Sensei Colosseum of the Strong
Fishing Mesh Normies Dojo Assistant Sensei Assistant Instructor Work
Tightrope Mesh Normies Dojo Assistant Sensei Colosseum of the Strong
Grist Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer The Weakened World Tree
Bur Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer Knight Commander Calyx
Grain Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer The Weakened World Tree
Wheat Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer Land of Salvation Energy Crisis
Pepper Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer Land of Salvation Energy Crisis
Rice Mesh Normies Farmer Wealthy Farmer Dragon Damage
Murasaki Line Guards Mercenary Legendary Guard for Hire Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Arm Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Conservator’s Guard, Chroma
Snore Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Conservator’s Guard, Chroma
Thumb Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Fight with the Dragon
Dimple Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Fight with the Dragon
Gambling Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Gene Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Conservator’s Guard, Chroma
Bet Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Cyborg Mercenary Guard
Bellow Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire New Conservator Newt
Sweat Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Weakened World Tree
Leg Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Weakened World Tree
Jaw Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire The Weakened World Tree
Breath Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Researcher Tribe
Hair Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Peddler Tribe: Merchants
Stomach Mesh Guards Mercenary Guard for Hire Researcher Tribe
Accent Mesh Normies Student Elite Student New Conservator Newt
Bravo Mesh Normies Student Elite Student New Conservator Newt
Meaning Mesh Normies Student Elite Student Rumors of a Certain Tribe
Poetry Mesh Normies Student Student Activist Spike Rumors
Archaeornis Mesh Normies Student Student Activist Spike Rumors
Verse Mesh Normies Student Student Activist Spike Rumors
Tattoo Mesh Normies Student Elite Student Rumors of a Certain Tribe

About Chapter 3 Auction
Treasure hunting campaign Request from causality researcher Cypher (Linked to Allowlist Entry Campaign)
Monopoly or Distribution
Playstyles Introduction
Character Races and main protagonists
Races Featured in Each Chapter
Occupations Featured in Chapter 1
Introduction to the Story Slots held by the characters in Chapter 1
Occupations Featured in Chapter 2
Introduction to the Story Slots held by the characters in Chapter 2
Occupations Featured in Chapter 3
Introduction to the Story Slots held by the characters in Chapter 3
Memory Slot
System Requirements
Game Utility
How to Start the Game
Basic Controls
Member Rank and Rankings
Quest & Item
Original Characters and Character Replicas
Character Categories
Character Stories
Affiliation Rankings
NFT Holder benefits
About Campaign NFTs
About the final mission: World mission
Issuance of Japan's Qualified Invoices
Chapter 1 Character Mint & Game Launch
Allowlist Entry Campaign
Staff and Development partner