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Chapter 1

  [Memories of Beta]

  [Memories of Adulescentia, a Mansion Gardener - The First Baby's Breath -]

  [Memories of Hacker Device]

  [Memories of Winery Fragrance]

  [Memories of Dr. Hepatica]

  [Memories of the Orphan, Son]

  [Liber the Storyteller's "Lore of the Floating Continent"]

  [Magazine Reporter's Weekly Memos]

  [Memoirs of Navigatio, Captain of Floating Continent Expeditionary Force - Fourth Squad]

  [Memories of Peacock the Soldier]

  [Memories of Collega, the Aide]

  [Memories of the Mercenary's Assault]

Chapter 2

  [Diary of Roca, Reporter for World Tree Energy Research]

  [Notepad of Roca, Reporter for World Tree Energy Research]

  [Obituary for Roca, Reporter for World Tree Energy Research]

  [Conglomerate Descendant & Caravan Kid Chico's Memories]

  [Memories of Beta]

  [Whistle-blowing Earnie: The Seedling that Enriched the Farming Village]

  [Memories of Claudere, a caretaker - A Hopeful Soaproot -]

  [Caravan Soldier Achieve's Journal, The Search for the Floating Continent]

  [Gourmand the Strange Eater's Story]

  [Bourbon Distiller Roberta's Memory: The Last Drop]

  [Military Researcher Felipe's Enhanced Soldier Experiment Log]

  [Military Soldier Mighty's Memories: "My Brother Brown"]

  [Hepatica's Research Notes on Panacea]

  [Pedro's Research Notes on an Unknown Virus]

  [Alice's Recollections on Floating Island Gravitic Research]

  [Recollection of Yearn, Inexperienced Hunter: Giant Lizard Hunting]

  [Living Witness Teller's Reminiscences: The Unspiked Rulers]

  [Hillman, Explorer of Terrestria: Report]

  [Works of Piedra the Biographer: "Alf - Mother of Hyper-Electromagnetic Cores"]

  [Memories of the Mercenary's Assault]

Chapter 3

  [Memories of University Student Oliver]

  [Memories of Test Subject Ogre Cecil]

  [Conglomerate Descendant & Caravan Kid Chico's Memories]

  [Memories of Beta]

  [Felipe's Experimental Record: Hydra the Spirit's Hacking Log]

  [Memories of Lapis the Virologist]

  [Doubts of Search the Caravan Soldier]

  [Memories of Lieutenant Neil]

  [Memories of Mercenary Assault]

  [Memories of Weaponry Division Director Jim]

  [Memories of Master Swordsman Lamina]

  [Bishop Julius's Mission]

  [Memories of Sid the Merchant]

  [Memoirs of Liam, Stronghold Guard]

  [Story of Derrick, the Spike Bard Who Sings of the Future]

  [Musings of Percy the Spike Brewer]

  [Hepatica's Research Diary]

  [Memories of Inspectio the Researcher]

  [Memories of Bash the Spike Flutist]

  [Memories of Alvin, the Spike Who Got Away]

  [Baron the Aide's Memories: Late-Blooming Soaproot]

  [Spike Leader: Memories of the Colonel]

  [Memories of Ambition, the Young Spike Man]

  [Spike Soldier Oscar's Oath]

  [Memories of Zachary, War Correspondent]

  [Notes of Military Reporter Stein]

  [The Lies of Signalman Rex]

  [The Secret of Ed the Toolsmith's Art]

Game Manual
Character Sales
About Auction
Monopoly or Distribution
Introduction to the STORY SLOTs held by the characters in Chapter 1
Introduction to the STORY SLOTs held by the characters in Chapter 2
Introduction to the STORY SLOTs held by the characters in Chapter 3
System Requirements
Game Utility
Character Categories
Issuance of Japan's Qualified Invoices
Staff and Development partner